
Meeting ROoms

Changing lives through the power of Work
Stokes Community Village

Stokes Community Village

The Stokes Community Residence has a fully functioning hall to host special events. Please contact Mary for availability at 905-685-6893 or email

Room bookings are for Not-For-Profit organizations only.
Meeting rooms are available for booking Monday to Friday 9AM – 4PM

Meeting rooms are currently not available.

Churchill Communmity Residence

Churchill Community Residence

The Churchill Community Residence has a fully functioning hall to host special events. Please contact Mary for availability at 905-685-6893 or email

Room bookings are for Not-For-Profit organizations only.

Meeting rooms are available for booking Monday to Friday 9AM – 4PM

Meeting rooms are currently not available.

© 2022 Goodwill Niagara Charitable Number: 140591645 RR0001