Building Futures Program

Changing lives through the power of Work


The Constructing our Future program provides theoretical and practical skilled trades training to youth in the Niagara Region. It is a youth employment program funded by the Government of Canada.

Participants in the program learn theoretical and practical construction skills while earning the equivalent of minimum wage. This program is open to those between Age 15-30.

Participants will receive a variety of certifications including, but not limited to certifications in First Aid/CPR, WHMIS, forklift as well as instruction in health and safety, Bill 168 and job readiness.

Participants should be legal to work and not in receipt of E.I benefits. They will learn relevant employability skills such as resume and cover letter development as well as interviewing skills. At the end of the 10 weeks, participants receive a 12 week paid placement with an employer. Graduates of this program either secure employment or return to school.




Our Culinary Arts program provides skilled training and practical experience working in the food industry. It is a youth employment program funded by the Government of Canada.

This program is available for Ages 15-30 and consists of on-site work experience/work placement.

Participants will receive a variety of certifications including, but not limited to Safe Food Handling. First Aid, CPR Certification and WHMIS. Workplace safety. Employability skills. Problem solving and communication skills. Teamwork. Career and Educational Exploration. All participants will be paid the equivalent of minimum wage.

Participants should be legal to work and not in receipt of E.I benefits. This program is 10 weeks of Instruction & Certifications and12 weeks of work experience with an Employer.



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© 2022 Goodwill Niagara Charitable Number: 140591645 RR0001